I'll Make You Famous…




Miley Cyrus’ Taking a Shit Face of the Day

I am bored of the site right now, but figured I’d post these pictures of Miley in shit taking stance because they were uploaded and she reminds me of every young girl in my neighborhood who I follow home at night, not because I want to do anything menacing to them, but because I like to make sure they get home safe and aren’t doing anything to compromise their vaginas I plan on exploring when they turn 18 (….right….)….

Not that Miley would be the kind of girl I’d ever follow home, I’m just hoping she goes away, and maybe you won’t want to fuck her slutty ass anymore (promise ring makes the vagina off limits), if you are like most guys and get repulsed to the thought of a girl taking a shit. I’m talking to you exec at Disney who made her career.

Here’s the video…

Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Rebel|Slut|Tits




Pink in Concert of the Day

Here’s Pink performing while dressed like some kind of rooster or some shit. I really don’t have anything to say about this shit because I am falling the fuck asleep. I got drunk and wondered the streets last night and pretty much nothing happened to leave me inspired, and this concert costume isn’t really helping, sure I could talk about the time I met a guy who used to fuck chickens, usually raw from the grocery store, sometimes cooked, once live and in its egghole at some underground hispanic cock fighting ring, and he’d always talk about how there’s no logic to using your hand when the world offers you so many resources when it comes to masturbation, but that never happened, but Pink in this outfit did.

Posted in:Concert|Performing|Pink




Lindsay Lohan and Her Skinny Legs of the Day

Here’s some Lindsay Lohan with some skinny legs because she doesn’t eat much more than pussy and coke and I like it. The world’s got too many fat people, so maybe this bitch is onto something.

There is an amazing intensity that comes when you don’t eat for a few days, you know cuz your brain is lacking nutrients and your body is in some kind of hypoglycemic shock, that always keeps you on your motherfuckin toes, never really knowing what to expect, or whether you’ll be killed before they die of cardiac arrest.

Posted in:Legs|Lindsay Lohan|Skinny




Avril Lavigne’s Dresses Like a 13 Year Old Cutter of the Day

I really can’t stand his emo teenage girl style. I find it too fucking put together, like some kind of bad high school production, it’s way too intense with way too many stars and skulls and variations of green and pink and black. I don’t understand how a girl can look at herself in the mirror and think that they look fucking awesome, but then again, they probably don’t, when they look in the mirror, they are usually crying, getting asymmetric haircuts, or cutting themselves because pain makes their dead souls alive. I get that 14 year old girls who are just getting their periods are hormonal and depressive and shit, but at 25 or whatever the fuck age Avril is, maybe it’s because she missed out on her youth, maybe it’s because she’s fucking lame and married, while lookin’ like a fuckin’ asshole. Speaking of asshole, I wonder where her husband’s hiding out.

Posted in:Avril Lavigne|Emo




Russell Brand and Another Groupie of the Day

Comedian/Actor/Writer Russell Brand was seen kissing up with another groupie, a day after pictures of him in his underwear with some Asian hit. The reason he’s out hustling girls…because he can. Dude is a hot commodity internationally, and he’s gonna milk that as much as he can, and convince pussy everywhere they have a chance, while planning the next pussy to hit, until eventually, getting caught and locked the fuck down, married, have kids and end up doing it all over again, before getting caught and divorced only to do it all over again. I guess that is the empty cycle that is his life, I mean he’ll never find a soul mate because he’s always gonna be looking for fresher pussy, to share his love with the world, and as a man who has found his soulmate that’s a real tragedy, and by soulmate, I mean fat bitch who doesn’t turn me on, but covers my basic needs, and who has no self respect and lets me go out and do whatever the fuck I want only to come home and describe every single pussy I saw that wasnt hers. It’s pretty amazing.

Posted in:Groupie|Russell Brand




Rihanna Hits Up Some Club and Doesn’t Get Hit By Clubs of the Day

I love Rihanna, she’s the kind of girl who really understands a woman’s place in the world. I’m just kidding, I know the only reason she got beat is because she forget a woman’s place in the world and started acting the fuck up when she got insecure and thought Chris Brown was cheating on her, forcing him to defend himself from her crazy, punching, cunt behavior. The fact they are back together, just proves that she knew she was out of line.

Bonus – here’s another video of her car getting pulled over for being too black…

From the Archives…..

Rihanna’s Nipple Ring….
Rihanna Does KFC
Pussy Grabbin’ Concert Pics…
Rihanna in a Pretty See Through Bikini

Posted in:Heels|Hot|Legs|Rihanna




Selita Ebanks Shows Off Tit at a Fashion Show of the Day

I’ve wanted to get with a black girl for as long as I can remember. Not an Aunt Jamima Ghetto girl who can beat the fuck out of me and steal my wallet, but a nice wholesome black girl, who is a lot more like a white girl with a tan, than a black chick in line at the fried chicken stand, you know one who is educated from money or adopted by white people, who doesn’t have a thick disgusting ass, five babies in line at Wal Mart and and a bad weave. You know one who smells like roses and who still knows how to shake her shit like she’s at some dancehall party simulating sex half naked or back in Africa running away from men with Aids trying to rape her.

I never seem to find what I am lookin for, but that’s cuz I only meet girls at the stripclub, and those black girls are usually pretty fuckin’ ghetto, but Selita Ebanks is more what I am lookin for.

From the Archives…..

Pictures from 2008 Sports Illustrated Issue
Victoria’s Secret Chicks Promoting Lingerie Last Year
Selita Ebanks in a See-Thru Top

Posted in:Fashion Show Tits|Selita Ebanks




Carrie Underwood and Her Pink Ass of the Day

Here’s some shitty angles of Carrie Underwood’s ass in some pink sweatpants at the airport. She was on American Idol last night and I guess this was her working her way back to where it all started…I didn’t watch the bullshit because I don’t have a TV, but I can assume it was safe, boring, uneventful and that she was dressed pretty much the same, as to not piss off her hockey boyfriend who has broken her wholesome country girl act, despite being beat to her by Tony Romo, by making her lick his ass more than once.

At least that’s what someone close to the couple told me. It all stems back from when he was playing in the minor league.

No one actually told me that, I made it up because I had nothing to say about these pictures.

I am tired and hungry and uninspired.

I am sure you don’t care to read me whining.

How about I tell you a story about the time I banged a multi platinum talented recording artist.

Right…that never happened.

Oh well. Here are the pics.

From the Archives…..

Carrie Underwood Hiding from the Jumbotron…
Carrie Underwood in Some Shitty Bikini Pics
Carrie Underwood Does the Spice Girls

Posted in:Carrie Underwood|Pink Ass




Gretchen Rossi in a Bikini of the Day

I’ve never seen the Real Housewives of Orange County, but it sounds like some superficial, materialistic bullshit that I think is ruining our world, so that’s why I have no idea who this chick is.

Based on her wikipedia page, she’s 30 and a piece of shit gold digger, who I guess the other vapid cunt housewives take under their old, weathered, labia reduction and other plastic surgery bodies and give her horrible selfish advice, while hating her for having her youth…or some shit….

Here’s what I found out about her….

However, she left the real-estate business after becoming engaged to a wealthy OC executive named Jeff Beitzel, who is 24 years her senior. Jeff has been married and divorced five times and has four adult children. Although Rossi confesses that Jeff was not her “type” and she was not physically attracted to him at first, she calls him her “Prince Charming” and chooses to nurse him after his diagnosis of acute leukemia, until his death on September 13, 2008

After season 4 ended, allegations surfaced that Rossi never had a sincere relationship with Jeff but was instead simply his paid caretaker. It is alleged that Rossi maintained a secret sexual relationship with another man.

I guess this is her other man, and the dead guy was just a tool for ratings, and I don’t understand why any of you idiots would watch this shit. You’re the cause of the fucking problem, this bitch is just a fucking vehicle to communicate crap and I wouldn’t mind my dick being a vehicle she rides, unfortunately, it’s more of a broken down moped rotting in the backyard, and not gonna get her anywhere, if you know what I mean….

Posted in:Bikini|Gretchen Rossi




Shauna Sand is Topless on the Beach of the Day

Skinny, flat-assed Shauna Sand came out to play on the beach topless in these staged pictures.

She looks a hell of a lot better than usual, she’s got rid of the shitty plastic whore shoes but managed to keep shit trashy and keep her stripper genes proud by wearing Ed Hardy and rockin’ a skinny boy toy who likes Ed Hardy so much he got his favorite T-shirt tattooed on his shoulders. The whole thing stinks of vodka, crystal meth and HIV, but I’ve seen a lot worse out of slutty women like this in my life.

I don’t know. I could be horny. But I think she looks pretty hot and those fake tits look worth cumming all over. Yep. I’m just horny. Hey ladies.


Shauna Sand in a White Bikini
Shauna Sand’s Meaty Grey Vagina and Tits
Shauna Sand Panties At Some Ed Hardy Shit
Shauna Sand in a Bikini Riding Gay Shit
Shauna Sand in a See Through Dress

Posted in:Beach|Shauna Sand|Topless