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The Newest Slut With Paris Hilton Herpes of the Day

If I was a scientist, I’d like to map out the Paris Hilton strain of herpes to see who has it, where it has gone, who it has touched, and who has been blessed with her scabby gift they can carry on for their lives, and a valtrex prescription that will clear the shit up […]




Paris Hilton’s Push Up Bra Tries to Win Some Fame Back of the Day

The nice thing about these pictures is that throughout the night Paris Hilton’s face fell off while she drank and snorted away her sorrows…unfortunately not the kind of “face falling off” I’d like that leaves her in a ditch somewhere with some crazed lunatic running down the street in heels saying “that’s hot, I’m Paris […]




Paris Hilton Back with Her Bullshit Pose in a Bikini of the Day

Here are some pictures of Paris Hilton’s vagina dangling, drooping, sagging, and blowing in the wind in a bikini bottom for some Vegas bullshit she was attending now that she’s single and ready to get noticed again after a year I enjoyed of her laying low and keeping her bullshit cunt attention seeking second-rate Kim […]




The Newest Pussy to Get Paris Hilton Herpes of the Day

I don’t like talking anything about Paris Hilton or her ex-boyfiend Doug Reinhardt because I find them dull pieces of trash who stain society and really don’t fucking matter because they don’t contribute anyting. She is washed the fuck up, he’s pretty much a failed pro athlete and the whole thing is just a waste […]




Paris Hilton’s Grandfather Can’t Believe Her Bra of the Day

William Barron Hilton has seen a lot in his day. He ran a chain of hotels and that alone is pretty exciting stuff. He’s had staff, prostitutes, high profile parties, but yet like the rest of us, just can’t figure out what the hell has happened to his disgrace of a granddaughter’s tits. Sure he […]




Paris Hilton and her Push-Up Bra of the Day

The funny thing about Paris Hilton that I find fascinating is that she comes from a lot of money and has made a lot of money. Her family comes from money and I think her grandfather came from money. It’s like a long line of blue blooded high society folk, but for some reason she […]




Paris Hilton’s Ex-Boyfriend Paris and His Ugly Surfing Girlfriend of the Day

Her name is Hannah Cornett, she’s a pro surfer and not all that hot, but it is probably safe to say that she’s not dating Paris Latkis because of his fame, since he’s only known for being the rich kid who was fucking Paris Hilton for a few weeks back when Paris Hilton was fucking […]




Paris Hilton’s Topless Sunbathing of the Day

I am not allowed to post these pictures of Paris Hilton sunbathing topless and it’s not because of the surgeon general’s warning that the bitch it tainted meat – I don’t know if you have a surgeon general in the USA but he’s the motherfucker who told me cigarettes killed babies and made the packaging […]




Paris Hilton is Back and She’s Flashing Her Cooch Again of the Day

She’s back…. I saw these pictures earlier and just assumed they were from a long time ago, because you see Paris Hilson has done this shit before, cuz as a self absorbed little cunt who thinks the world revolves around her, soeverywhere she goes is like her own private fucking bathroom that she doesn’t care […]




Paris Hilton Still Obnoxious in Her Bikini of the Day

I guess the Valtrex isn’t working too well for Paris and she’s in the state of “Outbreak” because if she wasn’t, I’m sure she wouldn’t a pair thick white shorts with her bikini. She’s a public figure and thick yellow puss and blood stains is totally unacceptable. The real annoying thing isn’t so much that […]